Members of the National Pet Dental Association

The guidelines and criteria to become a member of the NPDA have been set forth by our specialized board members, with a specific outline designed to ensure the highest level of
practical and comprehensive ability.

Become a certified member


  • The dental technician(s) must have a minimum of two years working as a registered veterinary technician or assistant. It’s imperative that they understand all elements of a veterinary practice.
  • They must have a minimum of 18 months working as a non-anesthetic dental provider.
  • They must pass a test pertaining to their overall knowledge of and ability to recognize pathological abnormalities. It is imperative that they have the ability to perform a thorough prophylaxis in a safe manner. This test requires an overall understanding of both practical skills and a comprehensive knowledge on performing a complete dental.


  • Receive a certificate of membership in good standing.
  • Have your name listed in our directory
  • Use our logos and branding materials.
  • Receive regular tips and insider information in the industry.

Apply to be a certified member

Become a supporter


  • Supporters must be utilizing service from accredited member.


  • Have your name listed in our directory
  • Use our logos and branding materials.
  • Receive regular tips and insider information in the industry.

Apply to be a supporter

Friends of the NPDA

Anyone can become a friend of the NPDA. Just fill out this simple form here to be added to our list of contacts. You can choose to receive regular tips and insider information in the industry, as well as other communication from the NPDA.

Become a friend of the NPDA